Title: „Restoration of hydrological system in the Middle Basin of the Biebrza Valley. Phase I.”
Project location: middle basin of the Biebrza Valley
Total budget: 3 658 824 Euro
EC Co-funding: 1 829 046 Euro
DURATION: Start: 01/09/10 - End: 30/12/16
Coordinating Beneficiary: Biebrza National Park
The project target is to halt habitat degradation and lost of species in the middle basin of the Biebrza Valley within the borders of Nature 2000 sites: SPA "Ostoja Biebrzańska" (PLB 200006) and SAC "Dolina Biebrzy" (PLH 200008).
The main environmental problem is caused by a network of draining canals built in XIXth century under Russian Tsar administration which significantly lowered ground water table of neighbouring peatlands and changed habitat conditions in the region of two rivers – Jegrznia and Ełk as well as two canals: Rudzki and Woźnawiejski.
Project area is a breeding territory of number of rare and endangered bird species in Poland and Europe including more than 20 bird species listed in the Appendix 1 of EU Bird Directive e.g. both Lesser and Greater Spotted Eagle, Short Toad Eagle, Black Grouse, Corn Crake, Curlew, Great Snipe, Eagle Owl, Whitebacked Woodpacker, Aquatic Warbler, Bluethorat, Bittern, Short Eared Owl. Additionally, 6 type of habitats included in the UE Habitat Directive were recorded in the project area too: (6510 Lowland Hay Meadow, 6410 Molinia meadows on calcareous, peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils, 6120 Xeric sand calcareous grasslands, 7230 Alkaline Fen, 91D0 Woodland Bog, 3150 Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition – type vegetation) and other species listed in the Appendix II UE Habitat Directive e.g. Wolf, Otter, Beaver or European Fire-Bellied Toad.
Following activities are planned:
1.preparation of complete and appointed technical documentation (including building permit) to rebuild the dam in Modzelówka village; to restore Ełk river; to build wooden bridge on the Ełk river close to Dębiec range; to build a set of water constructions for water configuration of Jegrznia river – Woźnawiejski canal including: 6 fascine-stone shoots on Woźnawiejski canal, a weir on Woźnawiejski canal including water bypass for fish and water organisms, technological route, restoration of Jegrznia river bed;
2. land purchasing to build water constructions and carry out nature protection activities - 150 ha;
3. preparation of Nature Protection Management Plan (including public involvement and consulting)
4. nature protection activities – scrub removal on the area of 110 ha,
5. building a technological route necessary to build water constructions;
6. rebuilding wooden bridge on Jegrznia river
- EU Bird and Habitat Directives
- CAP (agro-environmental schemes)
1. Water regime flow in the water system Kanał Woźnawiejski – Jegrznia river will be change towards increasing water flow in Jegrznia river. During vegetation season water flow will be increased by three times in comparison with a low water level period through restitution action.
2. Elaborated Nature Protection Management Plan covering an area of 9000 ha,
3. Prepared technical documentation of restitution of hydrographical network within – 47,9 km;
4. Habitat conditions for bird formations related to wetland none forested ecosystems will be significantly improved on area of 110 ha.
Osowiec-Twierdza 8, 19-110 Goniądz
tel. +48 857380620, 857383000
fax +48 857383021
e-mail: sekretariat@biebrza.org.pl